
I does not work for me. I installed OS 10.4 from scratch and then Tex using the i-Installer... it seems that the TeX installation is OK (checked with texconfig command). Later on I installed LyX 1.3.6 from the installer and never recognized the TeX installation. Finally, I introduced the PATH prefix, reconfigured and restart and still the same problem: doesn't recognize the TeX installation. I did it again, and .... nothing.

Do you know if there is any file I should delete in order to reconfigure this properly?????

        thanks in advance,


On Sep 7, 2005, at 3:38 AM, Walter van Holst wrote:

Bennett Helm wrote:

This was a bug in the 1st version of the installer file. The fix for those who have already run the installer is:

In Preferences > Paths > PATH Prefix, enter "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin- current:/usr/X11R6/bin:/sw/bin:/opt/local/teTeX/bin" (without the quotes).

Now try reconfiguring LyX; restart; reconfigure LyX; restart again. That should fix it. (I'm not sure why 2 reconfigures and restarts are needed, but I don't have 10.4 to experiment on.)

This did the trick for me, are there any plans to fix this in the installer? Or at least to mention it on the Wiki?

The installer has been fixed; the trouble is that those who used the 1st version of the installer have to implement the fix manually. (Sorry.)

What I stil don't get is that several document classes that used to work in 1.3.4 are now gone, such as curriculum vitae and several article document klasses (Kluwer, Elsevier, Springer).

Support for these classes should be there. Look in LyX.app/Contents/Resources/lyx/layouts for the .layout files LyX uses. You'll need to be sure your TeX installation includes the relevant .cls files, though.


Dr. Jordi Tritlla i Cambra

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