Stephen P. Harris wrote:
Previously: No matter, all is now serene.

Oh, how nice. I suppose you were able to get a good screenshot of LyX --> View --> Tex Information --> Latex classes (*.cls) which displayed a partial list of your installed classes?

It displayed the whole lot, including the ones I have written locally
(which are in $TEXMFLOCAL). Interesting -- despite the LyX RPM having
insisted at install time on wanting the RH tetex installed as a
dependency, once installed without it it seems to recognise my TeX
Collection installation perfectly happily. But this may have been due
to stuff being left over from a previous (partial) install.

I think
that this a good screenshot for documenting a proper installation
since that area sometimes fails to resolve due to usr mistakes.

It's a very good test, yes. My screenshot in
is rather out of date.

The Windows installation is easy,

We shall see. I'll be installing it under XP/SP2 on a system with the TeX Collection (MiKTeX+TeXnicCenter) preinstalled.

This has been very useful for some projects of my own as well, which
need to be able to recognise a working TeX installation. Thank you all
very much for your help.


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