Sanders, Maarten (M.J.L.) wrote:


Is it possible to catch this ERT:


In a layout style so that in Lyx it displays as:


in a normal text style (e.g. bold and slanted)?  (or even better without

Not entirely sure what you want, but you can achieve a lot by
creating your own layout file.

A layout file lets you define your own paragraph styles, in addition to
existing ones such as itemize, description, standard, subsection, . . .
You can also redefine the existing ones, of course.

You can decide what latex code should be generated for your
paragraph style(s), so the final output will be right.  You can also
define what your styles should look like on screen:
* what font & size to use here you get your bold & slanted
* Any label in front of it, so you can get the label "myoption"
  if you want that.

Start by looking at the help menu, and select "Customization".
This will help you with writing a new layout file, it is assumed
that you know whatever latex you might need.

Helge Hafting

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