All the developers will be glad to hear that this isn't actually a bug
report! :P One of the developers is likely to say this sooner or later
(and I've seen it said in a few individual bug reports), but I thought
I'd add this now, to save them time (scarce resources being what they

Bug reports are very useful, and the developers are most grateful for
you finding them and reporting them. However, your reports can be twice
as useful to them if, before reporting them, you search for them at If you don't find your problem on there, then
create a new bug there as well as posting up on here (or, better,

This saves a lot of time for the developers as well as ensuring that
your problem doesn't get lost in the ether.

Obviously, if you aren't sure, dump a message up here and someone will
help you out.

Hoping he's not sounding too self-righteous,

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