----- Original Message ----- From: "Johan Ingvast" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Karsten Heymann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 7:16 AM
Subject: Re: Choice of fonts in LaTeX

Karsten Heymann wrote:

Is there a way to see which fonts are available to LaTeX?
Try thils link:
It shows ways of displaying all fonts found on the latex paths.

There has been some recent posting about poor pdf display
(though the printed output may be ok) and whether it is better
to use pdflatex or dvipdfm. This brings up whether to use Type I
fonts or Type III fonts. Andre Berger wrote about this which I
will quote from the Google search engine (www.google.com) .

Query (>):
Short version: How do I install the international Type 1 fonts? (aka Computer Modern Super fontset)?

Long version:

Folks, I'm learning LaTeX. Please forgive any gross inaccuracies in what follows.

When I output a PDF from within Lyx, it looks AWFUL in Preview. It looks perfect in Adobe 6.0.

Turns out that Lyx is outputting Type 3 fonts.

To which Andre Berger responded:

Probably so. As this starts a LyX question, first check if you can

 LyX - Layout - Document - Font & Size - pslatex

then proceed according to

 LyX - Help - Extended Features - 5.3.6(.2)

and run

 LyX - View - PDF (pdflatex)

to create .pdf files.

You will almost definitely prefer Palatino (serif) or Helvetica
(sans serif) over the "legacy" Computer Modern font then.

According to this website http://www.geocities.com/mobrien_12/lyx.htm the best solution is to install the full Type 1 font set from CTAN.

I found it, but I would like to know: 1)How can I check if I already have these Type 1 fonts? 2)Where do I install it? My best guess is: /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/fonts/type1/public 3)If I install it, do I have to do anything to notify TeTex/Lyx/Texshop/etc?

Let me give a practical answer. "The" standard PS fonts should be
included in TeTeX. In Terminal,

 locate tex|grep font|grep helv

to find, for example, Helvetica. If the locate command fails, run

 sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb

then try again. Chances are you won't have to install anything extra
at this point.

I hope this helps!


From the LyX Extended documentation: Why does the text look so bad when viewed with Acrobat Reader?<sec:badfonts>Bad Fonts in Acrobat Reader

The problem is that bitmap fonts are displayed poorly by Acrobat Reader. When creating a PDF from the LyX file, you need to use outline font instead of the default bitmap fonts (in fact, you should also use outline fonts for Postscript files). Recent LaTeX distributions come with Postscript® Type 1 version of the standard (Computer Modern) fonts. pdfLaTeX uses these font by default. Dvips doesn't use these fonts by default, so to make it use them, add the following to lines to your ~/.dvipsrc file

p+ psfonts.cmz

p+ psfonts.amz

If the default LaTeX font encoding (OT1) is used, nothing else need to be done. However, if the T1 font encoding is used, then LaTeX uses the newer EC fonts, for which there are no Type1 version. The solution is to use the ae package which emulates T1 coded fonts using the standard CM fonts. This is done by adding \usepackage{ae,aecompl} to the preamble of the LyX file. However, some glyphs are missing from the CM fonts (e.g. eth, thorn), and they are taken from the EC fonts. Therefore you get these glyphs as bitmaps.

Note: LyX uses by default the T1 font encoding. If you wish to use the default font encoding (this is not recommended, unless you only write English documents), clear the field TeX encoding in preferences (tabs Outputs, Misc).

An alternate option is to use the standard Postscript® fonts instead of the Computer Modern fonts. To do that, you need to select pslatex as the global font in the document layout dialog. When using the Postscript® fonts, the result PDF file is smaller as the fonts are not saved into the file. Furthermore, the Postscript® fonts include all T1 glyphs. On the other hand, the Postscript® fonts have no bold symbol font, so poor man's bold must be used (see Section [sec:pdfbold]). The Postscript® fonts also look different from the Computer Modern fonts.

To sum up, both the Computer Modern and the Postscript® fonts gives good results (with few exceptions). The decision of which one to use is a matter of taste. Why doesn't the \boldsymbol{} command work when I use pslatex?<sec:pdfbold>\boldsymbol{} and pslatex

The Postscript® fonts do not have a bold symbol font. The solution is to use the \pmb{} (poor man's bold) command.

It is possible to redefine the \boldsymbol command to use \pmb by putting


in the preamble. Is it possible to do write latex code which is processed only when running pdfLaTeX?Conditionals with pdfLaTeX

Yes. Here is an example:

\newif \ifpdf

  \ifx \pdfoutput \undefined






  \pdfinfo { /Author (your name and e-mail address)

     /Title (official title -- i.e., title element)

     /Subject (one line description of the document)


  \pdfcatalog { /PageMode (/UseNone)

  % /OpenAction (fitbh)





\fi How can I make URLs clickable ?

See the references here : http://wiki.lyx.org/pmwiki.php/FAQ/PDF

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