Ingar Pareliussen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> As a translator I have to say that the number of toolkits increase the amount 
> of work for the translators as well. Different toolsets have different ways 
> to specify shortcuts and each have to be translated manually.

Good point.

> So as a translator I would like to have only one toolset to work with, and if 
> I could have chosen I would loved a kde-frontend. There is so many things we 
> could have gotten for free if we would made the plunge to kde instead of qt. 
> (on the fly spell check, kio-slaves to name two from the top of my head). And 
> offcourse as kde4 is going to be ported to win32 and osx it could be used on 
> those architectures as well. ;) (packing work still remains, though)

I could also say: gnome, gnome-vfs, internationalization (I18N),
localization (L10N), OS X is there, cairo back-end, win32, and lgpl license, 
i.e. not depending on trolltech...

> However, I can see why it is not going to happen as it would mean ripping out 
> parts of lyx`s tookit independent parts and replacing them with kdelibs. So I 
> am happy with the status quo.

This I cannot comment, i.e. what is the work of tailoring the present
api to new layer.


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