Well, OK, thanks anyway, but this is Lamport-style, standard LaTeX.  One of 
the aims of the AMS package, though, is to provide resources that render 
mathematical display that is aesthetically more appealing than standard 

Just for you to notice the difference between array and subarray environments 
in this case, I'm attaching a small .tex file which compares both instances.


On Friday 11 November 2005 18:04, Helge Hafting wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2005 at 05:33:39PM -0200, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> > Does anyone know if the subarray AMS environment is implemented in LyX (I
> > mean, not in ERT mode) and how to use it?
> >
> > I want a multline subscript with the lines left-aligned.  The command
> > \substack is implemented, but the lines are centered.  The subarray
> > environment is the way to do this.
> How about this way:
> 1. Create the subscript
> 2. Insert a matrix into subscript - (1 column, and as many rows as you
> need) You can specify a left-aligned matrix.
> Helge Hafting

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-3275-7468
FAX:   +55-53-3275-7343
Registered linux user # 153741
Tests multline subscripts both with array and subarray environments.
\mbox{With array:}\left.\frac{\partial^2 f(x,y)}{\partial x \partial y}\right|_{%
      x = x_0 \\
      y = y_0
\mbox{With subarray:}\left.\frac{\partial^2 f(x,y)}{\partial x \partial y}\right|_{%
      x = x_0 \\
      y = y_0

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