John Kane wrote:

As far as I can tell my tex list matches the screen shot that you included.
I am unsure from your last posts if you want me to try the -e compatibiltiy mode however I gave it a try and
 >To force MiKTeX to use e-TeX in compatibility mode, follow these steps:
 >1. Run the MiKTeX options program, choose the TeX formats page, and
 >then for each program that you want in compatibility mode (e.g. latex,
pdflatex, etc.)  do the following:
 >2. Click on the Edit button,
 >3. Choose "e-TeX compatibility mode" as the compiler,
 >4. Click Apply,
5. Click Build"
Results of this is the same error message, as before, when trying an updatewhich comes down basically to
"initexmf: The file "latex.efmt" could not be found."
And as far as I can tell latex.efmt is not on my hard drive

On my system it's at C:\localtexmf\miktex\fmt\latex.efmt. The fact that it's in the localtexmf tree suggests that it is created during installation or format updating, as opposed to being part of the original installation.

Incidentally, with a working MiKTeX installation you can locate this and other style/format/class files by opening a DOS prompt and running kpsewhich, to wit 'kpsewhich latex.eftm'. It's generally faster than using the OS to search the entire MiKTeX directory tree (let alone the entire drive).

BTW I have not been able to find a Lyx file in the Applications Data file under User after I have installed, created and saved a file in Lyx.

As I think Stephen said earlier, that would be indicative of a bad (or incomplete) LyX installation. The LyX tree under Applications Data is created during installation (I'm pretty sure). Saving a LyX document won't create it if it's not already there, and its absence may not affect the saving of the document. Since we're pretty sure (?) the LyX configuration script is balking at a perceived lack of a working LaTeX executable, I wouldn't worry about this until after the MiKTeX issues are sorted out.

From the Groping In The Dark Department: Did you install MiKTeX from the Internet (as opposed to either a CD or a local network repository)? If yes, you might try opening the MiKTeX Package Manager, waiting <waiting ... waiting ...> for it to list all the packages, then syncing the directory (Repository->Synchronize) and checking for updates (Task->Update Wizard). I've seen this used to resolve one or two miscellaneous installation bugs (which I think might have involved mixing older and newer MiKTeX components).


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