I often need to make a reference to an equation (mostly) in another LyX file.  
Now, I know that it's easy to cross-reference between different files if one 
is inputed/included inside the other or both inside a master file.

However, if I want to cross-reference equations between unrelated texts, the 
trick doesn't seem to work.  In a quick search, I was not able to find any 
thread dealing with this neither in the list nor in the wiki pages.

The only way I found to accomplish this is using the xr.sty package in  the 
following manner:
Suppose you want to mention  equation (label: eq1) in document doc1.lyx inside 
document doc2.lyx and they are not inputed/included in any way:

First, export doc1.lyx to LaTex -> doc1.tex -> latex doc1 -> doc1.aux created.
Then, in the preamble of doc2.lyx:


making sure that doc1.aux is in the path determined by the TEXINPUTS 
environment variable.  Now I can reference the labels in doc1.lyx.  The catch 
here is that every time I make new changes in doc1.lyx, I have to go through 
the steps all over again...

Does anyone know of any other way to do this?  If there is no other way, I 
would suggest to developers that they try to implement this resource so that 
LyX can extract automagically this information from other .lyx file, without 
having to go through the .tex and .aux intermediate steps.

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-3275-7468
FAX:   +55-53-3275-7343
Registered linux user # 153741

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