_____/ On Sun 20 Nov 2005 01:08:02 GMT, [Nusret BALCI] wrote : \_____

Hi everybody,
Is there a place or does anybody know a good site for
custom layouts which can be used with LyX? For
example, there is no theorem, corollary, proof,
exercise, exam question, multiple choice test
question, etc. layouts available by default. Of course
this is a relatively side issue as you can get what
you want in the final typeset document, but it would
be nice to have visual effects on the screen as you
work with LyX :). If there are such repositories on
the net that you are aware of, could you let me know?


I suggest you look at the following set of Wiki pages:


Also,  be  sure to have a look at examples, which come  pre-packaged  with
LyX. They reside in:


where "/lyx" is your LyX installation directory.

For  theorem,  corollary,  proof and so forth you might have  to  use  ERT
(Insert -> TeX), though there are workarounds that might suit you better.

I  am  not too sure what you mean by "visual effects on the screen as  you
work with LyX". As output is usually paper or a Web page, dynamicity would
be gratuitous and lead to speed penalties. Are you thinking of a paperclip
or a talking dog?

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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