Bo Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If you know how lyx operates, you will know how costly it is to have
> full auto update. This process involves exporting lyx to latex,
> running latex or pdflaex or ps2pdf etc, and a viewer.

Moreover, the typography is provided by global optimization program
which computes the layout, whatever the importance of the change
(i.e. changing a character or restructuring completely the document).

You must get confidence in this program (thanks to D. E. Knuth),
as it provides very good layout in any case, and never left me with badly
presented documents since I use LaTeX, directly or through LyX.

In that line document layout checks are not that frequent, mostly
during the last fine tuning (figure placement, widows and orphans, etc).
LyX helps much because it gives an idea of the layouts of the components
(math, tables, figures) inside a clear understanding of the document
structure (navigation menu, sectioning).

So you can *really* concentrate on content...


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