On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 01:29:27PM -0600, Stacia Hartleben wrote:
> I have a numbered list and would like to put in titles over parts of
> the list. However, whenever I insert a title, the numbered list
> restarts at 1. How can I put in titles over parts of the list and have
> the numbers not reset?

I know of two ways.
The first is to explicitly setting the enumeration counter.

Wherever you want the list to continue (instead of starting
at "1.", insert a TEX box in the front of the text of the
first continuing enumerate.

If you want to continue with that item as nr. 7, insert this
in the tex box:


For other numbers, just substitute the two sevens with what you want.

This solution is quick, but the obvious problem is that you have to
set the numbers right. If you add an extra item to the beginning of such a 
list, then you need to update your tex code. Also, it doesn't look right in
lyx even though it looks correct in print.

The other way I know have no problems with the numbers when you
add more items, and it looks right in lyx too. It changes the appearance 
of the document a bit, as the headings get indented to match the
itemized text.  This may actually look better, or it might not be
what you want.

Write your list and stick a title in the middle of it.
By "title", I assume you use a paragraph type like
section, subsection* or perhaps "standard" with
a font change. Whatever the paragraph type for your heading is,
put the cursor somewhere in the heading and press ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
on the keyboard.  This increases the environment depth, that is, your
heading gets nested into the list. Notice how the numbers in the list
becomes correct as you do this.

You should also do a view->dvi to see how this affects the output.

Tip: If you want several paragraphs in a single item, then 
write the additional paragraphs as type "standard" and
increase their environment depths.  If you want an example,
try help->userguide and read the section on "nesting environments"

Helge Hafting

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