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Hi Barnibrata,

Banibrata Dutta schrieb:
| Hoping that some LaTeX experts here may be able to help me with a book
| project which I am doing in LaTeX (instead of LyX).

Personally, if I was you I would ask those questions in a TeX-Newsgroup
like comp.text.tex, there are *far* more experts there (not that I would
count myself as one ... ;-) )

| Q-1) How do I leave a page "Intetionally Blank", after the title page,
| and before the abstract page, if I am using...
| \documentclass[11pt,a4paper,titlepage]{article}

Don't use article for a book. Use book or better scrbook for it. article
is for articles. scrbook is the book class from KOMA-Script, which is
much improved compared to standard classes. Its very nice documented,
look after scrguien.pdf on your system or CTAN (ctan.org).

| \usepackage{fullpage}

Better use \usepackage{geometry} or typearea (documented in the
KOMA-Script manual but can be used independently too).

| \usepackage[pdftitle={ID1421, BDutta},colorlinks=false,a4paper]{hyperref}
| \usepackage{graphicx}
| Note that, the following didn't work...
| \begin{document}
| \maketitle
| \newpage
| This page is intentionally left blank.
| \newpage
| \begin{abstract}

Yepp, LaTeX inserts pages with pagestyle empty after \maketitle. You
somehow have to add the "intentionally blank"-Text to the
"empty"-pagestyle (don't know how atm).

| Q-2) When I use "dvipdfm" or "pdflatex" tool to convert to PDF, all of
| my hyperlinks get a blue or red bounding-box. How do I do away with the
| bounding-box (or say a white bounding-box) ? I am more interested in the
| way which works for "dvipdfm".

Read the documentation to the hyperref package which you are using.

| Q-3) I use MicroSoft Visio to create some network diagrams, and converted
| them to JPEG at high quality (i.e. "Print-Quality" 600dpi, and very low
| compression). Then I used "jpeg2ps -p a4" command to convert to .EPS. The
| image quality in the document (.dvi or the generated final .pdf) seems
| lower quality than the JPEG itself. Any way to get high quality image
in my
| final PDF ?

pdflatex can eat jpgs directly. No need for conversion (although I'd try
hard to get pngs from Visio which pdflatex can use as well and which are
much better for non-photos).

| Q-4) How do I solve this footnote problem ? I reference a footnote in the
| main text as follows... "SomeText\footnotemark{1}". The footnote
| is done as follows..

why don't you use \footnote{} ?

| Q-5) How to include some text in the document that is not part of any
| section ? For example, I want to put some text into a "Copyright"
section at
| the end of my document, in a separate page, with a Heading, but can't
| figure out how to get the heading, and ensure that it is not listed in the
| table of contents.

\chapter* (or \section* if you keep with article) or \addchap rsp.
\addsec if you use scrbook and want them into the TOC.

| Q-6) How do I get a "References" section, which also is included in table
| of contents ? My current usage:-

Use scrbook ( ;-) ) and the bibtotoc document option.

| Q-7) How to limit "float" feature ? I want to ensure that my two
figures (on
| a single page), are separated by some text. Overall, for the document, I
| want to retain the "float" feature. Without the ability to control, my 2
| figures appear one after the other, although they are logically for two
| different paragraphs.

Did you use \begin{figure}[htbp]? Have a look at placeins.sty, there is
a command \FloatBarrier which might be helpful.

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