As you said you fixed the typo, I thought you may be
maintaining the binding files. Excuse me if that's not
the case. But if so, I had many problems with
sciword.bind file. As an example,

\bind "C-S-bar"         "math-delim | |"
\bind "C-S-brokenbar"   "math-delim | |"
\bind "C-M-bar"         "math-delim | |"
 None of the above works on my system. I had to change
"bar"'s to "backslash" (without quotes). 
\bind "S-C-braceleft"           "math-delim { }"
\bind "S-C-braceright"          "math-delim { }"
don't work, I needed "bracketleft", etc.

But interestingly (I've just noticed this one), if you
replace C key with M key, you can use bar or
braceleft, etc. OK with M, but not OK with C. Isn't
this interesting?

I thought this feedback may help the maintainer. 

Best regards,


--- Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> >>>>> "Nusret" == Nusret BALCI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> Nusret> I use sciword binding file. It supposedly
> includes the
> Nusret> math.bind file which contains the binding
> you mentioned (but
> Nusret> without AltGr). However it didn't work. I
> tried to find the
> Nusret> reason and noticed that there is a typo in
> sciword.bind file:
> Nusret> it inclued "maths.bind" file (which doesn't
> exist) instead of
> Nusret> "math.bind".
> It is a typo indeed. I just fixed it.
> Thanks.
> JMarc

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