On Sat, Dec 24, 2005 at 12:48:28PM -0500, Michael Wojcik wrote:
> But perhaps it wouldn't be so difficult to put 
> this one character in using ERT?
> Any opinions on the best way to do this?

I don't think LyX (non-CJK) can handle double-byte characters that
Japanese uses. And, unfortunately, there is no CJK-LyX for Windows
at the moment.

One possible way to do is you write everything in LyX in English,
putting a "marker" (like ****KO****) at the place where Japanese
"Ko" character appears, and you export the document to LaTeX format.

Next, you use an editor which can handle Japanese and replace the
marker with Japanese character.

Then, use pLaTeX to compile the document (normal LaTeX won't work).
One of standard distributions of pLaTeX for Windows can be obtained


If you need write longer Japanese, I recommend you to use CJK-LyX
on Linux (or else), which can be obtained from


Department of Economics
Otaru University of Commerce

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