LyX 1.4.0-pre3 on MacOSX 10.4.3 generally works excellent. However, there are some aspects that I believe could be improved (I have used standard settings): - TeX shortcuts (i.e. \alpha or \over) do not work in the formula environment - "New from Template..." gives a Open dialogue in the /Applications directory. Templates are in the (hidden) LyX-package and difficult to access from this Open-dialogue
- Window settings are not preserved between sessions
- In some cases (for example an italic N, a large Delta, but not for example for a W) formula-symbols appear as lowered when instant preview is used. They print fine though. - Using the cv-template and headings in the Bibliography-section causes extra lines to be inserted. See Download/cv.pdf for an example (this may perhaps be a template/LaTex- problem). - When a template is not found and substituted by the default template the text is marked by a blue underline (this may of course be intentional)

Of these only the first two are, in my opinion, major problems. So in conclusion: a great job, I look forward to the "official" release.


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