Georg Baum writes:
> Johan Tegin wrote:
> > 3. Are there any other ways to change the figure caption from
> > "Figure" to "Fig."? (preferrably without having to edit the .cls
> > file.)
> You can write something like this in the preamble (untested):
> % redefine \figurename after babel is loaded
> \AtBeginDocument{\def\figurename{Fig.}}
> The best option IMO would be to make the .cls file babel aware.

This is more or less above my head (and no time to digest it all) so 
please excuse this if wrong or inappropriate, but I am using the 
subfigure package to do almost the same thing thing.


% "Fig. " in italics

Couldn't one do this here as well (or similarly)?


Kevin Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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