On Fri, 06 Jan 2006 16:19:03 -0700
Fernando Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a document with a bibtex-generated list of references, and when I try 
> to
> export it to PDF or postscript (via the GUI or with 'lyx -e pdf2', for
> example), all the citations appear as [??] marks, though the references
> section is correctly generated.

Typically with Latex the first run would generate missing references such as
this.  If I am running Latex manually, I simply run it twice.  That way the
appropriate temporary files are generated so that the second run can read

I thought LyX would do the same thing.
> The only workaround I've been able to find is to click on the 'bibtex
> references' box at the end, make some trivial change (choose a different
> style, or check the 'add to TOC' box), and rerun the PDF/PS generation.  THEN,
> the numbers appear, and I can revert my trivial change and continue.
> Needless to say, it is incredibly annoying to have to do this every time, and
> it breaks my makefile-based workflow (this is a document being developed in
> collaboration from many places, so I wrote a makefile to generate all the
> required PDFs without human intervention).

Try adding a second Latex run into that makefile. 


David L. Johnson

   __o   | "Business!" cried the Ghost. "Mankind was my business. The
 _`\(,_  | common welfare  was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, 
(_)/ (_) | and benevolence, were, all,  my business. The dealings of my
           trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my 
business!" --Dickens, "A Christmas Carol"  

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