Paul A. Rubin writes:

> 1. (This is the only major issue.)  Our letterhead includes logos on
> both the left side of the paper and along the top.  Dealing with the
> top is not a problem, but for the life of me I cannot find a way in
> komascript to make the left margin two inches on the first page
> (which will be letterhead) and one inch on every other page (plain
> bond).

The answer that I got is that this is not easily possible, "because the 
size of the print area can only be changed between pages, i.e. when a 
\newpage command can be used. That is because there is no possibility 
to recalculate an already split paragraph, and exactly that would be 
necessary when the print area on the next page is supposed to change." 
If I understand that correctly, TeX splits a paragraph into lines 
before it begins to print it. On the next page, these lines may then be 
too short or too long. (Or so I interpreted this -- corrections 

Why not use the same wide margin on all pages (no one was ever punished 
for using too much white space -- well, unless maybe it was for a 
dissertation)?  Or do as my wife does at her Uni -- she uses letterhead 
that has only the logo pre-printed and prints the "right margin 
letterhead stuff" herself (its all in her template).

Sorry I couldn't help more. (The other two items I think you can find in 
the manual.)


Kevin Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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