
Thanks for the suggestion. The logic made sense, but your suggestion did not work. LyX generated an extra line between the commands in the tex file.

Another question:

How can I get the Date environment to display "Copyright: 2006" in LyX? The final output is correct so this display is a nicety rather than a necessity.

Here is my attempt:

# Copyright
Style Date
 Margin        Static
 LatexType        Command
 InTitle        1
 LatexName        SAECopyright
 ParSkip        0.4
 ItemSep        0
 TopSep        0
 BottomSep        1
 ParSep        1
 Align            left
 AlignPossible     left
 LabelType        Static
 LabelString    "Copyright: "

 # standard font definition
   Family        Sans
   Series        medium
   Size        tiny


Thanks again,


Mael Hilléreau wrote:

in the LyX .layout file, an error is given. I cannot figure out a way to include two two values for one command in LyX.

This is not possible in a dynamic way (i.e. you only can specify one parameter into LyX window). Perhaps, a workaround could consist in using two layout styles as the folowing (not tested):

Style Author
Margin        Static
LatexType        Command
InTitle        1
LatexName        AddAuthor

Style Affiliation
Margin        Static
LatexType        Command
InTitle        1
LatexName        donothing

... which would generate the following LaTeX code:

\AddAuthor{Author name}\donothing{Affiliation}

Hope that this will help...


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