Hi all,

I have been using LyX on Linux for quite some time and I think it is a wonderfull software. Now that a Windows version is available I tried to install it on my notebook, which runs WinME. I got all the dependecies (MikTeX, Msys, Perl, Ghostscript, Python) installed and got the last Lyx version for windows (1.3.7-v2). The installation process seemed to be OK, with no apparent error, but when I try to run the program, Lyx opens in a very small window. Curiously, that window cannot be enlarged, neither by dragging its corner with the mouse, nor by clicking on the "full screen" button. I have never seen such behavior in Windows for any program. I tried to run Lyx with -dbg 8 and it reports a 88x106 window, which is rather small, indeed. Then I tried to run with -geometry 800x600+20+20, but the result was the same. The LyX Wiki says that this LyX version runs on Win98. Then I supposed that with WinME it would be no problem.
Is anybody else getting this? Am I missing anything?

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