
I have no solution, but a related problem...

In LyX I canot use insert->graphics from the menu. I think this is because LyX uses the graphics package and that it somehow conflicts with the gb4e package that I also use. When I remove gb4e graphic-insertion seems to work, but not the gb4e-stuff of course. I found a workaround to this, using graphicxs and include pictures with ERT. It works, but LyX does not seem to be capable to convert png to eps, when not using pdflatex, which I believe it does when inserting throw the menu. And I prefer not to use pdflatex, because it seems to make the quality of my xypic-figures quite bad.

So then I have to manually convert png to eps for my screenshot. I tried to convert both with the Gimp and with the imagemagick convert tool, but both ways the quality of the eps-images are quite bad.

So, any ideas? Either how to produce nice xypic with pdflatex, or nice eps screenshots from png..


Rich Shepard wrote:

A document requires screen shots as illustrations. I've used The GIMP to capture the window, scaled the result to 100 pixels/inch resolution, and a
size of 4 inches wide. Then it's saved as a .png file. The document will
almost certainly be printed by readers on a laser or color inkjet printer.

I'm seeking comments on whether there is a better way to represent these images. That is, should the resolution be higher? Is a different file format
a better choice? They are raster images to begin with, so conversion to a
vector format such as .eps will almost certainly result in resolution loss.

  Your experience counts! What have you to suggest?


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