Charles de Miramon wrote:

> Stacia Hartleben wrote:
>> Is there a better way to select special special fonts other than doing
>> ERT? I know under character I can change it to san serif or whatever
>> but for a special font I installed I have to do something like this:
>> \usefont{T1}{stacish}{m}{n} \selectfont myword \usefont{T1}{ae}{m}{n}
>> \selectfont
>> in a huge ERT snippet.
> Yes, you should create a macro.
> In your preamble put something like :
> \newcommand\stacia [1]{\usefont{T1}{stacish}{m}{n}%
> \selectfont%
> #1%
> \normalfont}



> and then in your text an ert with for example \stacia{Hartleben}
and then in your text an ert with for {\large example \stacia{Hartleben} and
so on}

also works.


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