Hmm, been trying to use some IPA in documents - does anyone else have
the problem that when instant preview is used and you can see the IPA,
the formatting of the document is really weird (as in, you can't put
it inside a large amount of text, there is a very large gap between
the display and the rest of the text). When you go back into editing
mode, it is fine.

Also, any ideas on how to get around shortcuts which use the pipe
character | ? It seems to change them into a double pipe when going
into the equasion.

On 2/23/06, Juergen Spitzmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stacia Hartleben wrote:
> > Did anyone find out how to make it so glosses go under the nodes on
> > the tree - usually with the // command?
> I think you have to fool mathed. The following hack works for me (the
> mathematicians might come up with a better solution):
> In preamble:
> \newcommand{\breakline}{\\}
> (the LaTeX commands \linebreak and \newline do not work)
> And then:
> \Tree[.S [.N This\breakline Das ] [.V is\breakline ist ] [.NP [.Det
> a\breakline ein ] [.N test\breakline Versuch ] ] ]
> > Also, is there a way to make
> > it automatically preview all of the images once you open a document
> > other than clicking on the formula a bunch of times?
> It works for me automatically, albeit I have to wait a bit sometimes until the
> images are converted.
> HTH,
> Jürgen

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