I started to use LyX 1.4 for the Jurabib feature. I found a couple of
problems with my document, which is in spanish, and Jurabib.

I attached both LaTeX outputs (english and spanish) from my LyX
document. If I use the english output it works flawlessly, but if I
use the spanish output a couple of errors are presented while
generating the PDF, two "Undefined control sequence" and two "Argument
of [EMAIL PROTECTED]@arg~ has an extra }."

If you check the diferences between both LaTeX files there's just this
one line in the spanish version:


If I remove this line and recompile it manualy using "latex, bibtex,
latex, latex" the output is perfect.

Besides, someone on the Jurabib user list told me LyX is starting
Babel before Jurabib and this can generate problems.

Hope you can check this issue and solve the problem. I really hate to
check LaTeX files manually. ;)

P.S.: I have added the sample spanish LyX file and Bibtex file if you
need to check the problem directly from LyX.
Julio Rojas

Attachment: test_eng.tex
Description: TeX document

Attachment: test_esp.tex
Description: TeX document

Attachment: test.lyx
Description: Binary data

%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk.
%% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/

%% Created for Matthias at 2006-03-09 11:58:20 +0100 

%% Saved with string encoding Western (ASCII) 

        Address = {Madrid},
        Author = {John Locke},
        Chapter = {Pr{\'o}logo},
        Date-Added = {2006-02-08 02:01:34 +0100},
        Date-Modified = {2006-03-09 11:58:17 +0100},
        Edition = {Tercera reimpresi{\'o}n, 2004},
        Keywords = {Filosof{\'\i}a},
        Pages = {7-27},
        Publisher = {Alianza},
        Title = {Segundo tratado sobre el gobierno civil},
        Translator = {Carlos Mellizo},
        Year = {1990 [1690]}}

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