The answers to a lot of these questions can be found in /The LaTeX
Companion/ or /A Guide to LaTeX/. All of these are LaTeX issues and have
nothing much to do with Lyx. How LaTeX typesets things is controlled by
the class and style files you load, and it uses complicated algorithms
to decide where to put things and how to format pages. To change the
kinds of things you want to change, you will need either to load
packages that allow you to do it, in such cases as there are such
packages, or else to redefine the LaTeX commands that control
formatting. That is to say: You'll have to learn some LaTeX to do this.
Lyx won't do it, because it doesn't provide access to every package that
is available for LaTeX, let alone to LaTeX internals.
> 1.  How do I reformat the table of contents?  Specifically, I a) need a 
> double space inserted between the chapter title and section titles and b) 
> need to enlarge the font from Default to Large.
Try the tocloft package. That will probably do what you need. If not,
you'll need to redefine commands like [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
are in whatever class file you are using, book.cls, or whatever.
> 4.  Widow/orphan control is not working consistently.
Try resetting \widowpenalty and \clubpenalty, e.g.:

\widowpenalty = 1000
\clubpenalty = 1000

That should go in the preamble.
> 5.  How do I get a figure/graphic to start a new page?  If a page break needs 
> to be inserted, do I insert a "top" or "bottom" page break?
Try \clearpage. Otherwise, just \pagebreak should do.
> 6.  How do I get Lyx to triple space between figures and subsequent text (not 
> the caption)?  Currently it is double spaced and I don't know how to change 
> it.
In book.cls, this is controlled by setting the length \belowcaptionskip,
if I understand what you're asking. So you could reset it in your
preamble, e.g.: \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{1ex}.
> 7.  How do I eliminate the triple space between the end of one section (or 
> subsection) and the next section heading?  Lyx seems to arbitrarily place 
> triple spaces here and there and I don't want them.
You can try the titlesec package. Otherwise, you will need to redefine
\section and \subsection. Look at the class file in question (e.g.,
book.cls) to see what the old definitions are. These are all defined in
terms of [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm not presently remembering exactly how this
command works, but I believe the space before the heading is controlled
by the fourth argument, which is a "rubber length": LaTeX is allowed to
stretch or shrink the space. You could try just:

        {-2.5ex [EMAIL PROTECTED] -.5ex \minus -.2ex}%
        {2ex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        {-2.25ex [EMAIL PROTECTED] -.5ex \minus -.2ex}%
        {1.5ex [EMAIL PROTECTED] .2ex}%

to make the space smaller. These are just modified from the book.cls
definition. If you're not using book.cls, then you won't want these, but
they might work as a guide.
> 8.  Currently there is a triple space between the References page heading and 
> the first listed reference.  I need to change to double space but see no way 
> to do this.
The References heading is probably produced as a \chapter*. That's
certainly how it's done in book.cls. So you'll either need to redefine
\chapter, though you may not want to do so for the entire document (you
could do so right before yo do the bibliography, though), or else you'll
need to redefine the thebibliography environment not to use \chapter*.
As you'll see if you look at book.cls, though, that would not be
entirely easy, since the definition of \chapter is very complex.

If you're using the Koma-script book format, then you just need to
redefine \chapterheadendvskip right before creating the bibliography.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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