Aaron Maxwell wrote:
Hi, I'm using LyX 1.3.6 on Debian Linux x86_64 (testing). I'm attempting to use the memoir document class. In the Layout -> Document dialog, the line item for memoir says "Unavailable: memoir". I can select that option but obviously LyX is not able to generate a document from it. Is there some way I can make memoir useable/available to LyX?

I have verified that the memoir class is correctly installed on my system (by writing a latex doc that uses it, and successfully creating the dvi). Also, under the View -> TeX Information menu item, LyX is able to show the memoir.cls file and its contents.
Help is much appreciated, thank you in advance.

If the memoir class was installed after LyX, you need to do Edit->Reconfigure in LyX so that LyX knows it's there. If that's not the problem, verify that memoir.layout exists in the LyX layout directory.


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