
I've tried both Pybliographer and JabRef and I liked them both quite
well. But then I had some trouble with both of them, they didn't really
let me do everything I wanted, or maybe I didn't have the patience to
learn how to do it. And like several others I had problems with
non-ascii characters.

So in the end I always ended up using emacs, with its really useful
bibtex mode. It works a treat! I can automatically create entries of
different types, and it lets me do everything I want. I can't directly
insert references into LyX though, but I find the LyX dialog for that
fine, so it doesn't bother me at all.


Tim Vaughan wrote:

>I plan on using Bibtex to handle the citations needed for a series of
>essays I am writing.  I have come across two Java GUIs, JabRef and
>Bib-it and an OS X one, BibDesk.
>I'm happy to try them all out but I was wondering if people had
>experience with these programs or others and which they would

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