Kamran SHAFQAT wrote:

> Hi
> well i am assuming that you want the name of chapter and 
> section/subsection on each page for that try adding these commands to 
> preamble

> \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{{\thechapter.\ #1}}{}}
> \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{{\thesection.\ #1}}}

> than \lhead{\rightmark} and \cfoot{\leftmark} will produce the chapter
> name and section/subsection on left side of header and cneter of footer
> respectively. But on the first page of the chapter only the chapter name
> will apper.

> regards,

> kamran

that works! But I haven't on the first page of a chapter only the
chapter name, there is nothing (in the header. But that's okay for me.
Now I have one more problem. The page after my toc is a chapter*
without a number. The header of this page shows the name of my
toc. Can I change this?

You sound like a user who knows fancy. This is a little bit OT for
this thread but maybe you can give me a hint. How can I make a line
under the header to visual separate him from the text?

Once more thanks for your help!


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