Marcelo Acuña wrote:
>> I think something close to what you want to do is
>> also done in titlesec.tex,
> I can get only titlesec.dvi
Check You can get titlesec.tex there.
>> You might try something like:
>> \renewpagestyle{headings}[OPTIONAL]{
>>     \headrule
>>     \sethead{\chaptertitle}{}{\sectiontitle}
>>     \setfoot{}{\usepage}{}
>> }
> I put this in preamble and nothing occurs. When I add
> \pagestyle{headings}
> I get error: extra }
> I chequed for {} and all is OK, but error appears.
I don't know why you are having this problem. It works for me. The way
to diagnose the problem is to export to LaTeX and then compile it
manually. You'll get more information that way. If you continue to have
the problem, send me the LyX file and I'll figure it out.


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