Steve Litt wrote:
On Sunday 21 May 2006 04:43 pm, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Try the URL package (url.sty, at


Thanks Paul,

That worked, but intermittently. Sometimes it wrapped URLs and text links, and sometimes it let them stick way out to the left. There was no obvious differentiating factor between when it worked and when it didn't. Lacking the time to isolate the factors determining whether it worked, I put it aside for awhile.

Thanks for the suggestion.

From the url.sty documentation (buried at the end of the file):

% You can change the penalties used for BigBreaks and Breaks by assigning
%    \mathchardef\UrlBreakPenalty=100 \mathchardef\UrlBigBreakPenalty=100

You might try fiddling with these penalties (maybe reducing them further) to "encourage" line breaks. It looks as though, by default, breaks are only allowed at punctuation marks. If you have URLs with every long stretches of alphanumeric characters, you may have to authorize breaks at alpha characters (by adding them to \UrlBreaks or \UrlBigBreaks, probably the former).


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