I've been running LyX 1.3.4 on Mac OS 10.2.8, but Computer Services at my university will be updating my office machine to Mac OS 10.4.5 tomorrow. After that, I will be looking to install TeX again and then LyX 1.4.1. Some questions:

1 Any advice on the installation processes? Things to watch out for?

2 Will LyX 1.4.1 run fast enough on my machine (1.25 GHz Power PC G4)? I know there have been concerns about the speed of 1.4.1 on Macs.

3 Any reason to prefer the TeX installation MacTeX over Gerben Wierda's with i-installer?

4 I'd like to have the package [sc]{mathpazo} in order to use Palatino with small caps. Anything special I have to do to get this, something other than a simple install?

Thanks for any advice.


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