minor question:

if i search for a sequence of words where an index word is inserted, it is not 

CO(indexword CO) plays an important role

I searched for 
CO plays

Same with a space between CO and indexword

CO (indexword CO) plays an important role

Is this intended?

major question:

If i index a word which should be emphasized because it is a scientific name
it is shown in the Index at the begin of the index correctly emphasized but 
independent of its alphabetical status -which is ok.
However, the names are shown according to their sequential occurrance, not 
according to their alphabet:

indexword \emph{Xanthium}
indexword \emph{Kalanchoe}
indexword \emph{Arabidopsis}

and now come the `normalĀ“ indexed words

Any workaround besides handwork in the index file?


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