i have a PDF document containing diagrams generated from an application (rather than a document processor) and i want to include it in my lyx document. actually i want to add it as an appendix section. i'm tired of googling and my trivial solution is to print empty pages in the lyx document and just insert the paper copy of the PDF in the right place (void pages to preserve the numbering/TOC order). however, i lost the page header/footer styles for this section. i tried to convert the PDF to PS, then insert as an image but i failed
so, how can i insert a PDF in lyx/latex document?

Mustafa M. H. Elsheikh <elsheikhmh>
College Senior- The Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Alazhar 
ARLOGO Main Developer- http://arlogo.sourceforge.net
CellularBASIC Main Developer- http://cellbasic.sourceforge.net
"Exams are horrible things, they really interfere with useful stuff."
Jan Niestadt, www.flipcode.com

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