Rich Shepard wrote:
On Mon, 10 Jul 2006, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

...[D]o I have to do anything else to get that style file to show up in the
drop-down list of styles in LyX? (I have been unable to find even the
existing .bst files that must have come with my TeX installation.)
Run 'locate .bst' to see where the others are. Move your new one there. From within LyX run 'reconfigure'; kill the process, and restart it. It should be there as an option for you in the bibliography section of the Document dialog box.
This doesn't work for me. I've got heck.bst in my local TeX tree, and working with TeX, but it does not show up in the bibliography style list. (This is LyX 1.4.1 on Fedora.)


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