
I am brand new to LyX and LaTeX and have a question.  When I load the 
amsart-test.lyx example file and view it as PDF, DVI, or Postscript output, 
the second and subsequent pages all are titled "englishDAVID L. JOHNSON".  In 
my own test document I created using the article (AMS) class, the second and 
subsequent pages are titled "englishMY DOCUMENT TITLE" using the title rather 
than the author.

I am most confused as to why the language name is displayed, and also why one 
file uses the author name and the other uses the article title.

I searched the list archives to see if I could find any reference to this and 
I found nothing.  The wiki didn't seem to have anything relevant, and a 
broader search with Google didn't help me either.  Perhaps my inexperience 
with TeX and LyX just means I don't know what terms to search for, but I 
would greatly appreciate any information about what I may have done wrong.

I am using LyX 1.4.2 on Slackware 10.2.

Thank you,

Eris Caffee

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