I had much help by this list recently by trying to get familiar with makebst 
to meet the requests of the publisher for citing references and the 
bibliography. However, I still have a few problems. Perhaps somebody who is 
experienced can help me.

I have produced with latex makebst a we.bst and we.dbj file and put it in
afterward texhash (necessary?)
and selected we (.bst, not included) in the Bibtex-references popup at the end 
of my lyx document (koma-script book style).

There were, however, some mistakes I made and I tried to correct them by 
changing the we.dbj file (which should later be converted to we.bst by 
running lated we.dbj). 

MY QUESTION: In the dbj file the different decisions are given as e.g.:

%   %: (def) Numerical as in standard LaTeX
  ,ay%: Author-year with some non-standard interface
% ,alph%: Alpha style, Jon90 or JWB90 for single or multiple authors
% ,alph,alf-1%: Alpha style, Jon90 even for multiple authors
% ,alph,alf-f%: Alpha style, Jones90 (full name of first author)
% ,cite%: Cite key (special for listing contents of bib file)

I guess, I have to add % in
%  ,ay%: Author-year with some non-standard interface
and remove the first % in the line above if I want the (def) version
   %: (def) Numerical as in standard LaTeX
is this correct and does the second % in this line stay?

Where do I have to make a change in order to get
 (Miller 2001) 

As I have it now it is 
 (Miller (2001)) 

whereas  cited  by Miller (2001) is correct.

Can I do this from outside the bst file and if not, where in the dbj would be 
the place for the change? makebst is a nive tool, but for the unexperienced 
partly not easy to understand.

Unfortunately, my contribution is due soon. 
Thanks for help:


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