Rich Shepard wrote:
  Running 1.4.2 on linux here. Evoked the spelling checker on a short
article and fixed the errors it found. Then I ran the source through

  While reading the typeset document, I saw the word, 'th .' "How strange,"
I thought. Sure enough, the spelling check missed that, but a search for the
string found it.

  I've no idea how this slipped past the gates, but it's worrisome that I
cannot count on aspell (I don't recall if it's that or ispell) to catch my

Interesting. I tried this (using Aspell, the only game in town for us Windows users). It catches 'th' without a period, ignores 'th.' (which makes some sense -- could be an abbreviation), and ignores 'th .' (space before the period). That last one should be an unambiguous error -- if it's an abbreviation, the space is wrong. So it seems that either LyX is not passing the space to Aspell or Aspell is ignoring the space.

Tried to test which by running Aspell directly on a text file with the same error, but I only have the binaries for Aspell 0.50.3 installed, and that didn't even find 'th' by itself (which the portion of Aspell 0.60.whatever used by LyX does catch).


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