John Perry wrote:

It is not uncommon in LaTeX to include optional arguments to theorem-like environments, for example

   \begin{theorem}[Buchberger, 1965]

The result (which can vary according the style file) should look something like

   Theorem 1 (Buchberger, 1965) ...

(See the section on theorems of the LaTeX User's Guide and Reference Manual, page 59 in my version.)

For the life of me, I can't see how to pass this oprtional argument in Lyx. I looked in the help manuals. I've downloaded & browsed the source code, thinking that if the feature hasn't been implemented, I might as well make myself useful and modify the code myself. Unfortunately, my analysis skills aren't what they should be; after spending a few hours trying to figure out which class generates the LaTeX code to start a theorem-like environment (I was looking for "\\begin{" but that failed), I figured I'd do better to ask someone.

If the mechanism exists in Lyx already, I'd love to know it. If it doesn't, I'm still willing to make the change myself, if someone can direct me to the files in the source code where I should look.

jack perry

At the very beginning of the Theorem environment, try insert an ERT inset (the TEX button on the toolbar), and in it type "[Buchberger, 1965]" (no quotes) plus maybe a trailing space.


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