>>>>> "Rudi" == Rudi Gaelzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Rudi> Hi, Jean-Marc. I created a new rpm from Georg's intructions. Its
Rudi> name is: lyx-1.4.3-1_qt_mdv2006.i586.rpm

Very good.

Rudi> I uploaded it to ftp.devel.lyx.org/pub/incoming. The ftp client
Rudi> reported a successful transfer, but I could not get the
Rudi> directory listing to confirm.

Rudi> Could you please verify for me? Thank you.

I got the file, but it seems truncated:

lftp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/ftp/pub/incoming> dir
-rw-rw----    1 14       2002      2264056 Oct 12 23:58 

. Rpm says that the MD5 is wrong. Could you check that?


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