In fact, neither the 1.4.3 nor the 1.3.7 packages contain lyxrc.dist. If I run 
lyx -dbg 2 in my laptop, it complains that lyxrc.dist was not found, but it 
starts anyway. I don't know if I'm just lucky because the rpm was created in 
the very same laptop and it just runs in there...

Looking in my desktop pc, which runs Fedora core 5, I found lyxrc.dist 
in /usr/share/lyx. I'm sending the file attached, but I don't know if it will 
work for you...

On Wednesday 18 October 2006 06:20, icebna wrote:
> Don't found the file lyxrc.dist, don't make it the installation of the rpm.
> Can you send me the file and where is installed ? Lyx-1.3.7 don't have
> this file to copy.
> I'm sorry the heavy work. Excuse me
> Miguel

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Fone: (53) 3275-7416
FAX:  (53) 3275-7343
Usuário de Linux registrado # 153741
# -*- text -*-

# file lyxrc.dist

# BIND SECTION ###########################################################

# Before defining your own key-bindings, select one of the available default
# binding sets. These are resource files (like this one) that define a
# large set of (keyboard) bindings. These files live in bind directory of
# the LyX system directory and have in general the .bind suffix.
# Currently, you can choose from the following flavors:
# cua.bind            for Windows-, Mac- and Motif-like bindings
# emacs.bind          for Emacs-like bindings.
# The \bind_file command looks in the LyX bind directory for a file
# of the given name, but a full path can also be given. If you have
# a bind file in your ~/.lyx/bind/ directory, it will be preferred
# over a system wide bind file. Default is `cua'.

#\bind_file cua
#\bind_file emacs

# Based on the default, you can now change part or all of it with the
# \bind command. For example, when you want the delete key to do the
# backspace action, uncomment the following line:
#\bind "Delete" "delete-backward"

# However, if you're not at all happy with the default bindings,
# the most logical thing to do would be to use one of the system
# wide bind files as a template and place your own version in
# ~/.lyx/bind/mine_is_best.bind and change the above \bind_file
# to this instead:
#\bind_file mine_is_best

# By default, LyX takes over the handling of the dead keys (or accent
# keys) that may be defined for your keyboard. While this allows you
# to enter characters that would not be normally available, some
# people dislike the different behaviour. You can use raw dead keys by
# just uncommenting the next line
#\override_x_deadkeys false

# Tip: Use "lyx -dbg 4" to survey how LyX interprets your keybindings.

# MISC SECTION ###########################################################

# Set this to false if you don't want the startup banner.
# Default is true.
#\show_banner true

# Set to false if you don't want the current selection to be replaced
# automatically by what you type. Default is true.
#\auto_region_delete false

# This is the time interval between auto-saves (in seconds).
# 0 means no auto-save, default is 300 for five minutes.
#\autosave 600

# LyX asks for a second confirmation to exit if you exit with changed
# documents that you don't want to save.  You can turn this confirmation off
# (LyX will still ask to save changed documents) with the following line.
# We recommend to keep the confirmation, though.
#\exit_confirmation false

# This sets the behaviour if you want to be asked for a filename when
# creating a new document or wait until you save it and be asked then.
# The default for now is ask on save.
# \new_ask_filename false

# LyX continously displays names of last command executed, along with a list
# of defined short-cuts for it in the minibuffer.
# It requires some horsepower to function, so you can turn it off, if LyX
# seems slow to you, by uncommenting this line:
#\display_shortcuts false

# \view_dvi_paper_option allows to specify a paper option to the dvi
# viewer. By default LyX specifies the paper size of the document to
# the dvi viewer via the command line option -paper size, where size
# is one of "us","letter","a3","a4" and so on. The command
# \view_dvi_paper_option allows the user to overwrite the name of the
# command line flag, i.e. replace -paper with something else. If
# specified and left empty, i.e. \view_dvi_paper_option "", LyX does
# not append the -paper option to the dvi command at all. This case is
# especially useful when viewing your documents on Windows with yap,
# because yap does not allow a command line option for the paper size.
#\view_dvi_paper_option ""

# LyX assumes that the default papersize should be usletter.  If this is not
# true for your site, use the next line to specify usletter, legal,
# executive, a3, a4, a5, or b5 as the default papersize.
#\default_papersize "a4"

# Define which program to use to run "chktex".
# You should include options that turn different warnings on and off.
# Default is "chktex -n1 -n3 -n6 -n9 -n22 -n25 -n30 -n38"
# Check the ChkTeX documentation for info on what the flags mean.
# Example: use this to ignore warnings about using "\ldots" instead of "..."
#\chktex_command "chktex -n11 -n1 -n3 -n6 -n9 -22 -n25 -n30 -n38"

# Keyboard Mapping. Use this to set the correct mapping file for your
# keyboard, that is if you need one. You'll need one if you for instance
# want to type German documents on an American keyboard. In that case,
# uncomment these three lines:
#\kbmap true
#\kbmap_primary german
#\kbmap_secondary american
# The following keyboards are supported: american, czech, francais,
# french, german, german-2, magyar, magyar-2, portuges, romanian,
# slovak, slovene, transilvanian, turkish and turkish-f. Check
# the lib/kbd directory if you want to write support for your language.
# If you do, please submit it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

# The Pause button is defined to be a three-way switch between primary
# keyboard, secondary keyboard, and no keyboard mapping with the
# following command. It is useful if you want to write in a language
# not directly supported by your keyboard and you have defined a
# custom keyboard mapping above.
#\bind "Pause" "keymap-toggle"

# This starts the lyxserver. The pipes get an additional extension
# '.in' and '.out'. Only for advanced users.
\serverpipe "~/.lyx/lyxpipe"

# Default format string for the date-insert command
# This accepts the normal strftime formats; see man strftime for full
# details of the format.
#\date_insert_format "%A, %e. %B %Y"

# Maximum number of words in the initialization string for a new label.
# If it is set to 0, then the init. string will only contain the prefix
# (e.g. "sec:"). If it is set to -1, the init. string will be empty.
# This feature is disabled in 1.1.6.
#\label_init_length 0

# SCREEN & FONTS SECTION #################################################

# DPI (dots per inch) of your monitor is auto-detected by LyX. If that goes
# wrong, you can override the setting here:
#\screen_dpi 100

# The zoom percentage for screen fonts.
# A setting of 100% will make the fonts roughly the same size as on paper.
# However, since a screen is wider than a piece of paper, the default setting
# is 150%.
\screen_zoom 100

# The wheel movement factor (for mice with wheels or five button mice)
# Default is 100, about a page down. A value of 10 give me about a line and
# a half
#\wheel_jump 10

# LyX normally doesn't update the cursor position if you move the scrollbar.
# If you scroll the cursor off the screen and then start typing LyX will
# move you back to where the cursor was. If you'd prefer to always have the
# cursor on screen, bounded by the topmost and bottommost visible lines
# -- much like XEmacs for example -- then uncomment the next line.
#\cursor_follows_scrollbar true

# The screen fonts used to display the text while editing
# The defaults are:
\screen_font_roman "Serif"
\screen_font_sans "Sans"
\screen_font_typewriter "Monospace"

# For some, this font looks better:
#\screen_font_roman "-*-utopia"

# Allow the use of scalable screen fonts? Default is true.
# If you choose "false", LyX will use the closest existing size for a match.
# Use this if the scalable fonts look bad and you have many fixed size fonts.
#\screen_font_scalable false

# Tip: Run lyx as "lyx -dbg 512" to learn which fonts are used.

# The norm for the screen fonts. The default is iso8859-1, which is
# the same as what LaTeX calls latin1.
#\screen_font_encoding iso8859-2

# The norm for the popup fonts. The default is an empty string, which
# causes to use the screen fonts norm (defined by \screen_font_encoding).
#\popup_font_encoding iso8859-2

# The normal font for popups. It is set to
#    <font_popup>-*-*-*-?-*-*-*-*-<font_encoding>.
# The default  is:
#\popup_font_name "-*-helvetica-medium-r"

# The bold font for popups. It is set to
#    <font_menu>-*-*-*-?-*-*-*-*-<font_encoding>.
# The default  is:
#\popup_bold_font "-*-helvetica-bold-r"

# The font sizes used for calculating the scaling of the screen fonts.
# You should only have to change these if the fonts on your screen look bad,
# in which case you can fine tune the font selection size by size. LyX selects
# font size according to this table, the monitor DPI setting and the current
# zoom setting.
# The format is:
#\screen_font_sizes tiny smallest smaller small normal large larger largest 
huge huger
# This is the default in LyX (exactly what LaTeX does):
#\screen_font_sizes 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.4 17.28 20.74 24.88

# To change the colors for footnotes:
#\set_color footnote green
# for mathed you may also want to change the coloring of lines and brackets:
#\set_color math yellow
#\set_color mathlines yellow

# UI SECTION ########################################################

# Choose your UI (user interface) definition here. The .ui files are in the
# directory "lib/ui" and contains the definition of the menu and the toolbar.
#\ui_file "default"

# PRINTER SECTION ########################################################

# The default printer to print on. If none is specified, LyX will use
# the environment variable PRINTER. If that fails, the default is empty.
#\printer ""

# If you have setup (as we recommend you to do) your print program
# (e.g. dvips) to take advantage of the particularities of the various
# printers you have access to, then you should set the following to
# true. Then LyX will pass the name of the destination printer to your
# print command.
# The default is false, because we have unfortunately to cope with
# people who refuse to take the time to configure their system.
# Note that you will probably have to change \print_spool_command below.
#\print_adapt_output true

# If you don't use dvips, you may specify your favorite print program
# here. See other options at the end of this section to adapt LyX to
# your print program.
#\print_command dvips

# Extra options to pass to printing program after everything
# else, but before the filename of the DVI file to be printed.
#\print_extra_options ""

# When set, this printer option automatically prints to a file
# and then calls a separate print spooling program on that file
# with the given name and arguments.
# This is set by default to 'lp' or 'lpr', depending on what your
# system uses.
# Set this to "" if you have set up dvips so that it sends
# output to the right printer (remember to also use \print_adapt_output).
#\print_spool_command ""

# If you specify a printer name in the print dialog,
# the following argument is prepended along with the printer name
# after the spool command. The default is autodetected, along with
# \print_spool_command determination.
#\print_spool_printerprefix ""

# Other print related options

# The following options are only of interest to people who do not
# use dvips as print command. You may safely skip to the end of this
# section otherwise.

# These specify the options to pass to the printer program to select the
# corresponding features. These default to the options used for the dvips
# program. Look at the man page for your favorite print program to learn
# which options to use.
# Normally you don't need to change this unless you use something other
# than dvips.
#\print_evenpage_flag -B
#\print_oddpage_flag -A
#\print_reverse_flag -r
#\print_landscape_flag "-t landscape"
#\print_pagerange_flag -pp
#\print_copies_flag -c
#\print_collcopies_flag -C
#\print_paper_flag -t
#\print_paper_dimension_flag -T

# Option to pass to the print program to print on a specific printer.
#\print_to_printer -P

# Option to pass to the print program to print to a file.
#\print_to_file -o

# Extension of printer program output file. Usually .ps
#\print_file_extension .ps

# Sample configuration to use with dvilj4 for a HP Laserjet IV (or
# better) printer [provided by Reuben Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]:
#\print_command dvilj4
#\print_extra_options -q
#\print_evenpage_flag "-D2 -r"
#\print_oddpage_flag -D1
#\print_reverse_flag -r
#\print_landscape_flag -l
#\print_pagerange_flag -p
#\print_to_file -e
#\print_file_extension .lj
#\print_copies_flag -c
#\print_collcopies_flag -c
#\print_adapt_output false

# EXPORT SECTION ########################################################

# The \converter command defines a converter between two formats.
# LyX uses the defined converters for generating output in various formats,
# or for importing.
# The converter command has 4 arguments: The source format, the target format,
# the command, and additional flags.
# For example, the following defines a DVI->Postscript converter:
#\converter dvi ps "dvips -o $$o $$i" ""
# The variable name $$i is replaced with the name of the source file,
# and $$o is replaced with the name of the target file.
# The flags argument is a list of comma separated flags.
# Known flags are
# - * : copy the previously defined flags
# - latex : The converter is latex or its derivatives (pdflatex).
# - originaldir : The converter must be invoked in the directory of the lyx
#   file and not in the temporary directory. This is needed for tex->html
#   converters in order to be able to read the eps files.
# - needaux : The converted uses the .aux file, so we need to call latex
#   before running the converter.
# - resultdir=dir : The converter put all the files in dir.
#   Using "resultdir" is same as "resultdir=$$b".
#   Note: When exporting, the whole directory will be moved from the temporary
#   directory to the target directory.
# - resultfile=file : Name of main file in the result directory, for example
#  "index.html" or "$$b.html"
#   If "resultfile" is omitted, the name of this file is assumed to be
#   "index.format"
# - parselog=filtername : filtername is a name of a filter command that takes
#   the converter error log (from stderr), and converts it to a fake latex .log
#   file.
# For example:
#\converter latex html "latex2html -split 0 $$i"
#           "originaldir,needaux,resultdir"
# For literate programming, use something like
#\converter literate latex "noweave -delay -index $$i >$$o"
#                          "parselog=listerrors g"
#\converter literate program "build-script $$i"
#                            "originaldir,parselog=listerrors g"

# The format command is used to define file formats. It has 4 arguments:
# the format name, the extension, and "pretty name" and menu shortcut.
# For example
#\Format latex tex LaTeX L

# The \viewer command is used to define viewers for new formats,
# or to change the already defined viewers.
# For example, to use xdvi as the viewer to dvi files use
#\viewer dvi "xdvi"
# It can get more involved. Expert users might prefer something like:
#\viewer dvi "xdvi -s 2 -expert -geometry 1014x720+0+0 -keep -margins 1.5"

# TEX SECTION  ###########################################################

# The font encoding used for the LaTeX2e fontenc package.
# T1 is highly recommended for non-English languages. LyX uses T1 as a
# default if you have the ec fonts installed on your system.
#\font_encoding T1
# Choose "default" if T1 doesn't work for you for some reason:
#\font_encoding default

# FILE SECTION  ##########################################################

# The default path for your documents.
# Default is $HOME
#\document_path ~/Documents/

# The file where the last-files information should be stored.
# Default is ~/.lyx/lastfiles
#\lastfiles ~/.lyx_lastfiles

# Maximal number of lastfiles. Up to nine can appear in the file menu.
# Default is four.
#\num_lastfiles 9

# Flag telling whether the lastfiles should be checked for existence.
# Files that does not exist are left out of the lastfiles entries.
# Default is true. If you use slow or removable media, such as networks
# or floppy disks, you can speed up the starting time of LyX by disabling
# this feature.
#\check_lastfiles false

# The path that LyX will set when offering you to choose a template.
# Default is (System LyX dir)/templates
#\template_path ~/.lyx/templates

# The path that LyX will use to put temporary TeX outputs.
# Default is /tmp/<unique directory for each instance of LyX>
# containing <unique subdirectory for each buffer>
# If you set it, it will be /directory/<unique subdirectory for each buffer>
# (unless set to /tmp).
#\tempdir_path /usr/tmp

# If you set this flag, LyX will always use a temporary directory
# to put TeX outputs into. It is enabled by default.
# This directory is deleted when you quit LyX.
# You might want to avoid using a temporary directory in several
# cases:
# - LaTeX cannot find some files it needs;
# - you have a large number of include files, and you get messages
#   saying that some LaTeX buffers overflow.
# Note that, even if tell LyX not to use a temporary directory, there
# will be cases where it will be forced to: this happens for example
# when typesetting a file in a read-only directory (documentation).
#\use_tempdir false

# This is the maximum line length of an exported ASCII file (LaTeX,
# SGML or plain text). Default is 75.
#\ascii_linelen 80

# Set to false if you don't want LyX to create backup files.
# Default is true.
#\make_backup true

# The path for storing backup files. If it is the empty string, LyX will
# store the backup file in the same directory of the original file.
# Default is "".
#\backupdir_path "~/Desktop/Trash/"

# ASCII EXPORT SECTION ###################################################

# The following entry can be used to define an external program to
# render tables in the ASCII output. If you specify "none", a simple
# internal routine is used. The default is auto-detected.
# The following line will use groff and output using latin-1 encoding
# (here $$FName is the input file and the output goes to stdout):
#\ascii_roff_command "groff -t -Tlatin1 $$FName"

# SPELLCHECKER SECTION ####################################################

# What command runs the spellchecker? Default is "ispell" if it is
# installed, "none" otherwise.
# If you have aspell (http://metalab.unc.edu/kevina/aspell/)
# installed and configured, you might want to uncomment the line below.
#\spell_command aspell

# Consider run-together words, such as "notthe" for "not the", as legal
# words? Default is false.
#\accept_compound true

# Specify an alternate language. The default is to use the language of
# document. Uncomment both to enable.
#\use_alt_language true
#\alternate_language dansk

# Specify additional chars that can be part of a word.
#\use_escape_chars true
#\escape_chars "æøåÆØÅ"

# Specify an alternate personal dictionary file. If the file name does not
# begin with "/", $HOME is prefixed. The default is to search for a personal
# dictionary in both the current directory and $HOME, creating one in $HOME
# if none is found. The preferred name is constructed by appending ".ispell_"
# to the base name of the hash file. For example, if you use the English
# dictionary, your personal dictionary would be named ".ispell_english".
#\use_personal_dictionary true
#\personal_dictionary .ispell_dansk

# Specify whether to pass the -T input encoding option to ispell (only if the
# language is different than "default".) Enable this if you can't spellcheck
# words with international letters in them. There have been reports that this
# does not work with all dictionaries, so this is disabled by default.
#\use_input_encoding true

# LANGUAGE SUPPORT SECTION ####################################################

# Set to true to enable support of right-to-left languages (e.g. Hebrew,
# Arabic). Default is false.
#\rtl true

# The latex command for loading the language package.
# Default is \usepackage{babel}.
#\language_package "\usepackage{omega}"

# The latex command for changing the from the language of the document
# to another language. $$lang is substituted by the name of the second
# language. Default is \selectlanguage{$$lang}.
#\language_command_begin "\begin{otherlanguage}{$$lang}"

# The latex command for changing back the language to the language of
# the document. Default is \selectlanguage{$$lang}.
#\language_command_end "\end{otherlanguage}"

# Set to false if a language switching command is needed at the beginning of
# the document. Default is true.
#\language_auto_begin false

# Set to false if a language switching command is needed at the end of
# the document. Default is true.
#\language_auto_end false

# Set mark_foreign_language to "false" to disable the highlighting of words
# with a foreign language to the language of the documet.
# Default is "true"
#\mark_foreign_language false

# It is possible to bind keys for changing the language inside a document.
# For example, the following command will cause F12 to switch between French
# and English in a French document, and in a document of other language it will
# switch between that language and French.
#\bind "F12" "language french"

# HEBREW SUPPORT SECTION ####################################################

# To enable the Hebrew support, uncommnet the following lines:
#\rtl true
#\kbmap true
#\kbmap_primary null
#\kbmap_secondary hebrew
#\converter tex dvi elatex ""
#\converter tex pdf pdfelatex ""
#\font_encoding default

# You also need to bind a key for switching between Hebrew and English.
# For example,
#\bind "F12" "language hebrew"

# You might want ot disable the foreign language marking:
#\mark_foreign_language false

# Finally, you need to select iso8859-8 font encoding, and select screen fonts
# (below are the default fonts. You need to replace them by Hebrew fonts)
#\screen_font_encoding iso8859-8
#\screen_font_roman "-*-times"
#\screen_font_sans "-*-helvetica"
#\screen_font_typewriter "-*-courier"
#\screen_font_popup "-*-helvetica-medium-r"
#\screen_font_menu "-*-helvetica-bold-r"

# ARABIC SUPPORT SECTION ####################################################

# To enable the Arabic support, uncommnet the following lines:
#\rtl true
#\kbmap true
#\kbmap_primary null
#\kbmap_secondary arabic

# You also need to bind a key for switching between Arabic and English.
# For example,
#\bind "F12" "language arabic"

# If you use arabtex, uncomment the following lines
#\language_auto_begin false
#\language_auto_end false
#\language_command_begin "\begin{arabtext}"
#\language_command_end "\end{arabtext}"
#\language_package "\usepackage{arabtex,iso88596}\setcode{iso8859-6}"

# Finally, you need to select iso8859-6.8x font encoding,
# and select screen fonts.
# iso8859-6.8x fonts can be found at
#   http://www.langbox.com/AraMosaic/mozilla/fontXFE/
#\screen_font_encoding iso8859-6.8x
#\screen_font_encoding_menu iso8859-1
#\screen_font_roman "-*-naskhi"

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