Uwe Stöhr wrote:
tom poe schrieb:

I'm interested in having my book in pdf form, and containing a colored cover page prior to the Title page...
 > Can someone point me to any useful links about these and
other issues, like page numbering, etc.?

have a look at koma-scripts beautiful manual:



There's everything exlained you mentioned.

regards Uwe

Uwe: Thanks for reminding me. I have the manual sitting on my desktop. When I feebly attempted to use it as a reference, I was reminded of my experience as a beginning medical student. I subscribed to three medical journals, and read each issue word-for-word, for a year. At the end of the year, I had become comfortable with a sizable medical vocabulary. However, during the course of the year, I was mostly overwhelmed with the volume of words and terms and phrases that were totally foreign to me.

Which brings me to one of my "hot buttons". Why in the world would a manual whose purpose is to assist new students to a subject, choose to display itself as a billboard? What possible advantage can there be to lock up the information in the .pdf file format, so that it cannot be utilized by others, other than to read it page by page? Why not put it in a format that permits others to utilize text search and source views to try and understand the information? No answer is expected. Just needed to rant a little.

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