I installed lyx on RedHat EW 4
I found a lyx distribution but it failed dependencies. I forced it
and now can not get around a requirement
for audio.

Anyone, can you suggest a workaround?

RedHat EW 4

sudo rpm -Uvh lyx-1.4.3-1_qt_mdv2006.i586.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
       python-base is needed by lyx-1.4.3-1_qt.i586
       libaudio.so.2 is needed by lyx-1.4.3-1_qt.i586
       liblcms.so.1 is needed by lyx-1.4.3-1_qt.i586

lyx: error while loading shared libraries: libaudio.so.2: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory

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