Since I changed to LyX 1.4.3, I've noticed some strange behaviour when editing 
mathematical formulas and using Instant Preview, which was absent in the 
1.3.x versions.

I think you can reproduce some of my woes in the attached file.  Open it, 
enable Instant Preview and wait until it renders all the formulas.  Take the 
first (reasonably long) formula.   Click on it and do some editing, then 
click outside the math environment.  When I do this with my formulas, most of 
the time Instant Preview will not render the modified equation the first 
time; I have to click on it again and then go outside for it to be rendered 

Now, take the second (longer) equation.  This equation takes more than one 
window size in my 800x600 notebook display.  Everytime I click on the 
beginning or the ending part of the equation, the display jumps to the middle 
of it, making any attempt to modify it very annoying.

There are some further issues concerning navigation inside math formulas, but 
I'll leave it to a future message.

Has anyone by any chance noticed this kind of behaviour?

Thank you.
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Attachment: LyXMathDWoes.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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