>>>>> "Marcelo" == Marcelo Acuña <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Marcelo> Hello, I am writing a work in mathematics with AMS article. I
Marcelo> put \usepackage[spanish]{babel} in preamble. In main screen
Marcelo> in Lyx all OK. Appears Corolario instead Corollary, Teorema
Marcelo> instead Theorem, etc. But in output all titles appears in
Marcelo> English. How I can get titles in Spanish?

This is unfortunately something that does not work yet:

* LaTeX/babel itself does not provide such translations. It would be
  reasonable to have a \corollaryname macro that we can use for the
  definition of the environment, but alas it does not exist.

* LyX does not have a mechanism to translate some strings in its macro
  definitions. Note that it would not be very easy to do.


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