Hi all,

I am trying to use the package "tensind.sty" for typesetting tensors with 
upper and lower indices in LyX.

In LaTeX this works great: after defining a special "tensor delimiter" in the
preamble (here I use the letter "?") one can in math mode type
?A^\mu_\nu? for northwest, southeast indices and
?A_\mu^\nu? for southwest, northeast indices following the tensor symbol A.

Here, the order of super- and subscript matters! LyX seems to REORDER the 
super- and
subscript in such a way that always the subscript comes first.

Also, within tensind, ?g_\mu_\nu? is perfectly acceptable, and has a different
meaning (and typeset result) than ?g_{\mu\nu}? Within LyX, one always gets the 
form due to automatic grouping in the math editor

Is there a workaround?

Thanks a lot, Nils

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