Am Dienstag, 5. Dezember 2006 23:50 schrieb Uwe Stöhr:

> We are interested in every *.layout in order to make LyX attractive for
> users. If you think that your layout is now stable enough for production
> use, we could deliver it together with LyX. Are you interested in this? 

Basically yes! We have do do some work with the Documentclass and the 
template. I think at the beginning of 2007 we haved finish this. At this time 
it's possible to put the documentclass and the templates with lyx

> How 
> often do you think the layout will be changed the next times 

I don't kow this. I'll talk about the change intervall with a professor ot the 
BA suttgart next week to clarify this.

> and is the 
> layout also usable for documents written at other universities and schools?

I also don't know this. To build our Docuclass and template we use the 
Ba-Formatkonzept. Allong the Ba-Rules we develped our work. Perhaps someone 
else on an Universities or school can check if our work fits for the 
paper-rules of his school?

 regards Uwe  ;-) 

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