on. 17. januar 2007 02:16 skreiv yanni papastavrou:
> Hi,

> “Using the default document class, because the class scrbook
> is unknown”

Install the koma-script package. Your miktex installation should have a 
package handler, find this and search for koma and install it. After that 
reconfigure LyX and you should be set. 

> And also, at the top of the User’s guide, there is a big
> yellow message saying:
> “To export this document as pdf, ps or dvi, the
> LaTeX-package hyperref has to be installed.
> This package should be part of all popular LaTeX-distributions”

Just ignore this, miktex should have hyperref installled, if not LyX will give 
you a error-message that it does not find hyperref.


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