Ramon Flores writes:

>  I have read several times the "Float Placement" section and I have not 
> finded 
> any clue of how to
> 1) forbid more than one figure per page, in a page with text, or
> 2) set the distance between figures.

LaTeX is a quite sophisticated typesetting system and lets you fine tune a
large set of style parameters. Below you can find a list of parameters that
I think are of interest to you. Those not starting with a backslash are
counters and are to be set as \setcounter{topnumber}{1}, for example, the others
must changed using \renewcommand, such as \renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.4},
or \renewcommand{\floatsep}{15mm} for rubber lengths.

Changes made in the preamble apply from the first page on. Changes made
afterwards take effect on the next page, not the current one.

topnumber - A counter whose value is the maximum number of floats allowed
    at the top of a page.

\topfraction - The maximum fraction of the page that can be occupied by
    floats at the top of the page. Thus, the value 0.25 specifies that as
    much as the top quarter of the page may be devoted to floats.

bottomnumber - Same as topnumber except for the bottom of the page.

\bottomfraction - Same as \topfraction except for the bottom of the page.

totalnumber - A counter whose value is the maximum number of floats that
    can appear on a single page, irrespective of their positions.

\textfraction - The minimum fraction of a page that must be devoted to text.
    The other 1-\textfraction fraction may be occupied by floats.

\floatsep - The vertical space added between floats that appear at the top
    or bottom of a text page. It is a rubber length.

\textfloatsep - The vertical space added between the floats appearing at
    the top or bottom of a page and the text on that page. Rubber length.

\intextsep - The vertical space placed above and below a float that is put
    in the middle of the text with the "h" location option. Rubber length.



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