In a recent message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Nick Hopton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote.
I published a new version with LyX1.5.0alpha from 04-02-2007:

This is mainly a bugfix release to the bug I accidentally introduced in the last release from 01-02-2007.

Looking good here Uwe, so far. Old documents that wouldn't open in the last Alpha release open just fine now, as do the 'help' files.

I spoke too soon! The help document 'LyX's detailed Figure, Table, Floats, Notes, and Boxes manual, by the LyX Team Version 1.5.0-1' loads into LyX all right, but it won't produce a DVI or a PDF. It fails with a LaTeX Errors Box saying 'LaTeX Error: File `45C__Program_Files_LyX_1_5alpha-04-02-2007_Resources___doc'.

Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England

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